Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Picturesque village, Lush and green in summer, bitter cold in winter.
From here to the Outback of Australia.

 "The largest ship I had ever seen that will take me away to my new life."
The first footsteps on the Land of Australia before the final destination, Sydney.

It would be hard to find somewhere on this map
where Yorky didn't travel to,
for shearing and any other work
he could find when the shearing season wasn't on. 

Yorky shore 200 of these sheep in one day.
He never quite became a 'Gun-Shearer' as he would have liked,
but a good shearer, well-respected as a responsible hard-worker.

This is an old photograph of a shed,
around the time that Yorky was shearing.
He started as a 'roust-a-bout' who
picked up wool for the shearers and kept the board clean.
He wheeled and dealed with Gundy (and older shearer)
 to trade Plonk for lessons in shearing.

 Fencing with Jim Smith on land like this.
Many lessons were learned here
on surviving in such a desolate environment

The Race Horse, found in the Arthur Auberry story.
Yorky gets to ride him.

The Main Street of Lake Cargelligo.
There's the lake at the end of the street.
Many a drunken driver has
driven into the lake after a night in the pub, on his way home.

Yorkys' first encounter with the loser world of gambling took place here.
The story is found in the Arthur Aubery chapter.

Giltraps' Hotel where Yorky, Freddy and War Dog lived and drank. Giltraps Hotel is what it was called by the locals. Also known as the 'Blood House' Hotel. The barroom was tiled with white tiles halfway up the wall to make it easier to clean the blood off the walls as there were so many fights. 
Where Yorky falls in love with a stripper..
Never gets the girl but has many adventures.
This was the boyfriend of Yorkys' little stripper friend on
This is why he never made it to first base with her.

Famous Character Chad Morgan from the story
Yorky sometimes played trumpet in his show.

where Yorky learns to fight.

Jimmy Sharman and some of the boxers 

In the story of Yorkys' first job in the Outback, this was what the land looked like.

Don Freeman (L) in the chapter INTO THE SHEARING SHED
was a contractor. He told Yorky if he could dig a 9' hole for the septic,
he would let him come into the sheds as a 'roust-a-bout'.
Yorky worked with him for 10 years when there was sheep to shear.
 He was a kind man and wouldn't hesitate to tell everyone
in the pub how Yorky was the hardest
worker he ever knew.