Sunday, March 22, 2020


I have a bicycle. It has two wheels. One is a Disciplined Mind. The other is a Strong, Pure Heart. The seat is made out of Pure Intelligence. The frame is made out of Integrity. The peddles are the In-Breath  and the Out-Breath. the handle bars are forged out of Wisdom. The brakes are made out of Common Sense. The chain is made out of Life-Supporting-Actions.
I ride it everywhere.
It actually has a DNA Computer System that is irreversibly programmed for Home.
Riding it creates Inner Strength.
It is fueled by Unconditioned Love!
There is no other model like it. It is unique.
It is non-polluting, does not create Karma.
It is environmentally clean.
It guarantees the survival of my Mother.
I call it the Freedom Model.
The patent was registered by God.
(I know, I investigated it!)